Discord Art Server

Where creativity knows no bounds and artistic expression finds its true home!

Art Gallery

With thousands of unique art posted by the community

Background by AYYWA

Unleash Your Artistic Spirit: Whether you're a seasoned artist, an aspiring creator, or someone who simply appreciates the beauty of art, ArtCord welcomes everyone. Explore a diverse range of styles, mediums, fandoms and techniques that spark inspiration

Connect with Like-minded people: Forge connections with fellow artists and art-enjoyers from around the globe. Share your work, exchange tips, and engage in conversations. We're proud to have many friendly and welcoming members that support each other!

Challenges and Events: Elevate your skills and challenge your artistic boundaries with our ecreative challenges and events. From themed prompts to collaborative projects, ArtCord provides a platform to push your creativity to new heights. Sometimes we also hold Giveaways with prizes!

Showcase Your Masterpieces: Your art deserves to be seen! Showcase your masterpieces in dedicated channels, where the spotlight is on you. Receive constructive feedback, encouragement, and applause from an appreciative audience. Your art can also be seen on our website!

Learn and Share Knowledge: Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an expert willing to share your wisdom, ArtCord is welcoming you! Learn new techniques, discover resources, and contribute to a collective pool of artistic wisdom.

Join the ArtCord Family: We believe that art has the power to connect people across borders and languages. Join ArtCord and become a part of a global family where creativity flows endlessly and art is appreciated.